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Think about building a house when you think about choosing the right technology stack for your business. The strength and longevity of architecture is determined by the building materials used. Similarly, when it comes to developing your digital business, the technology stack acts as a building block. Your selection of the technology stack can influence the performance and scalability of your application, the pace of software development, the appointment of the right software developers, and, ultimately, the cost of the support and maintenance of the project.

In layman’s terms, a technical stack is a combination of different technologies like JavaScript, Ruby, WordPress, Python, and PostgreSQL. It helps create an operating system, databases, web frameworks, a mobile application, backend servers, or something that caters to the needs of millions of users. It influences the user interaction and accessibility of your digital product. It defines the nature of the application and determines what it can be in future.

To understand the role of the technology stack in your business, you should know its two equally essential sides: the front end or client side and the back end or server side. Front-end deals with the user experience. That means linking technology and design for the end-users. Everything a user clicks, swipes, drags or drops on a website or a mobile application comes under the client side. Front-end developers deploy technologies like Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), JavaScript (JS) or Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to enhance the user experience, convenience, and accessibility.

The backend developers focus on programming languages, frameworks, servers, and databases. The backend side, which is strictly a developer’s area that is invisible to the users, is where customization of business logic and building of software structure take place. During the early stages of a project, the selection of the right backend stack is very crucial. No one starts building a house with furnishing and decoration; one should begin with the foundation and walls.

Some of the top technology stacks include MEAN and Ruby on Rails. MEAN is an acronym for MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js. MEAN can be used for sophisticated mobile and highly responsive web applications. Ruby on Rails facilitates efficient software development, saves time, and makes debugging easy.

Now, let’s look at the benchmarks we should consider when choosing the right technology stack for your business.

Requirements of your Business

Believe it or not, most software companies are striving to become the next Google. They overlook the fundamental requirements for their business. Copying someone’s strategy blindly will not help in this game. Never buy a Ferrari if a Honda Civic will do the job. Implementing the latest yet high-priced technology stack in your business project can backfire.

First of all, you should understand your particular business’s complexity, size, and goals before choosing the right technology stack. You may painfully face financial loss and poor software performance if you choose the technology stack without a deep analysis of your business project. Some of the basic things to look upon before choosing the technology stack include a go-to-market strategy, UX goals and future scalability.

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is categorized into three components. They are talent costs, license costs and maintenance costs.

Talent costs mainly include the salary of the software developers. There are many free, open-source technologies out there, but most of them come with a hidden price tag related to implementation, innovation, and support. It is better to pay yearly licence costs and benefit from improved security, round-the-clock support, customized product, greater scalability, and better performance. Every digital product incurs maintenance costs, including buying and maintaining servers, payments for time system administrators, and support service.

Size of the Customer and Developer Community

Considering the size of the customer and developer community, it is probably the most underrated benchmark. It helps you to get information regarding the implementation of technology and the availability of developers. Websites like LinkedIn, GitHub, or StackOverflow allow you to gauge the strength of the customer and developer community behind a specific technology stack or a programming language.


With an increase in workload, a scalable system doesn’t require constant restructuring to sustain optimal performance. Scalability is all about the flexibility to modify features and add new developers to your team. It also includes the ability of software to handle more requests and increase its capacity without compromising the overall performance.


No technology stack is 100% secure. Thus, security should be the priority for any digital product. Always go for the one that has a good reputation in handling breaches and cyberattacks. A few guidelines to follow include solid authorization if your product stores user data; evaluation of your control over users’ access; the possibility of an object, feature, and field-level administration; ability to track the changes and the user who made the changes and when; and permission of access only to authorized users.


The frequency of updates determines the efficiency of a technology stack. You should keep a keen eye on how often a technology stack gets updated and the last update. The trick is to choose the right technology stack that maintains the right balance between the frequency of updates. Always go for an actively developed technology stack that constantly updates with new hotfixes and patches. Avoid the ones that have not been updated for more than a quarter of the year.


The pace of technological advancement is exponential. It demands your attention towards the version of the technology stack you intend to use for your business purpose. It is highly recommended that you go for stable versions that are above or beyond version 1.0. The versions below this level are actively developed and prone to volatile updates. It is highly possible that if the developers decide to introduce some path-breaking updates, you have to shell out extra cash to keep your software updated.