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INTUISYZ was founded in 2012 by visionary entrepreneur Sijin Stephen. His vision was to provide international-standard IT solutions to Indian customers. From its modest beginnings, today INTUISYZ boasts an amazing taskforce and a wide range of delighted customers in India and abroad.

Who We Are

INTUISYZ is a leading IT consultancy specialising in offering the best services in the immensely competitive realms of software development, technology outsourcing, and digital marketing.

What We Do

Digital Transformation

Businesses need to embrace information technology at a greater pace than ever to grow and survive. We help businesses to transform their digital footprint in a sustainable manner.


  • Quality

    Quality is the best business plan for the success of any business. At INTUISYZ, quality is not an act but a habit.

  • Respect

    At INTUISYZ, business is all about relationships. We believe in giving respect and taking respect.

  • Business knowledge

    Eminence in any discipline is directly proportional to the expertise culminated over time. Our business acumen has been instrumental in guiding our journey to acclaim and continues to guide us with an undeniable advantage rooted in the core values of probity. We believe that integrity is not a choice but an identity.

  • Excellent ROI

    The success of any business is measured in terms of ROI, which is a significant indicator of efficiency to profitably utilise the resources at its disposal. Our high ROI rates is yet another reason that makes business with us pleasurable as well as profitable. We recognise your need to be financially successful and strive hard to constantly keep you at the top.

  • Innovation

    Innovation is something that distinguishes between a leader and a follower, INTUISYZ has always been at the forefront with its innovative ideas emerging from its brimming pool of specialists.

Our Values

We conduct business ethically and believe in doing what is right.

We respect you, your needs and your preferences. We follow a client-centric approach, and genuinely value your contentment over anything else.

Integrity is the virtue that guides us; we derive direction from it and nobility is etched deep in our principles.

We only promise what we can deliver, and we certainly deliver what we promise.

We celebrate diversity. We believe in creating an environment that provides every person an opportunity to flourish, regardless of ethnicity, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation.

We celebrate diversity. We believe in creating an environment that provides every person an Trust is the cornerstone of all long term relationships. We strive to achieve long term relationships with all our partners whether they are customers, staff, vendors or other stakeholders.

